Founder of the Journal: State Institution «O.M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
SI IPH is a leading scientific institution to solve the actual tasks of the environmental hygiene, medical ecology, problems of the protection of the population from the deleterious anthropogenic factors of the environment, rationalization of life hygienic conditions of the population of Ukraine
About Institute in details…
Journal was recommended by the Scientific Council of the State Institution “O.M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (Resolution ¹ 8, 26.12.2012)
The scientific journal “Hygiene of populated places” is registered as an electronic scientific periodical in the field of online media (media identifier - R40-05058) by the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
The scientific journal “Hygiene of populated places” is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category “B”, specialties: 222 - Medicine, 229 - Public Health, 091 - Biology; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1290 of November 30, 2021, No. 530 of June 06, 2022), which may publish the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences.
Journal has been edited since 1956.
Journal was registered as a scientific specialized edition (Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, 10.03.2010 ¹ 1-05/2 (medical and biological sciences).
Journal was recommended by the Scientific Council of the State Institution «O. M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
Hygiene of Populated Places Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Our Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement are based on the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the position statements developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The journal’s editorial board is responsible for the content and general quality of the edition and provides a correspondence of the published research materials to the international ethics principles. All accepted manuscripts are reviewed by the referees in a correspondent sphere. Actuality, significance, originality and quality of the presented information are taken into account in the process of review. Decision on the acceptance of the manuscript to the publication or its retraction is taken by the results of reviewing. Retracted manuscripts are not revised. Acceptance of the manuscript to the publication is regulated by definite legal requirements which make a use of sanctions to the authors in case of libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
Policy of Editorial Board
Editorial board evaluates manuscripts for their intellectual content without regards to personality of the authors and type of institutions.
Editorial board has a right and is responsible for a decision which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. Decision of the editorial board is based only on the significance, originality, clarity, and correspondence of the publication to the edition’s subjects. Editorial board retracts the articles at the presence of evidences of the illegal authors’ actions.
Editorial board does not disclose any information about the submitted manuscripts to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers and the publisher as appropriate.
Editorial board keeps anonymity of the reviewers. However, if reviewers wish to disclose their names, this is permitted.
Editorial board always supports the authors and readers in their desire to improve the paper; it publishes corrected papers and amends the text in case of need.
Editorial board always responds to any declarations on the violation of the confidentiality, concealment of conflicts of interest (financial and non-financial), delay of peer review for the receiving of competitor advantages, plagiarism and make efforts for the solution of such problems.
Editorial board tries not to permit any conflicts of interests among editors, authors, and reviewers.
Duties of Authors
Editor of the journal is responsible for acceptance or retraction of the manuscript. Editor should have a respect to the intellectual independence of the author.
Authors of the original research should present an accurate account of the work performed and objective discussion of its significance. All sources of cited and presented information should be mentioned by the authors except well-known facts. A paper should contain sufficient details and references to permit others to replicate the work.
Authors should confirm that a paper was not published before, and at present is not discussed in other editions. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently is unacceptable.
The authors should take part in the process of review and correct mistakes in the manuscript or give their refutation and inform the editorial board about all mistakes revealed in his/her published work.
Authorship of the publication should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the reported work and who are responsible for the obtained results. Administration relations of other persons with a present research are not a basis for the qualification of these persons as the co-authors. Author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the paper. The author should guarantee that co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
Authors should inform the editorial board about any conflict of interests that might influence the publication of the results or their interpretation. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor to retract or correct the paper, and he/she should collaborate with the editor in the correction or retraction of the publication.
Duties of Reviewers
Reviewers must treat information presented in the manuscript as a confidential one, don’t use it for personal advantage, don’t show and discuss it with the other persons without author’s or editor’s permission.
Any referee who feels unqualified to review the publication or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and refuse from the review process.
Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referee should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
Reviewer should call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.
Referee should not consider the manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the authors, their company, or institution.