Academic journal "Hygiene of populated places" is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category "B", specialties: 222 - Medicine, 229 - Public Health, 091 - Biology; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine ¹1290 from 30.11.2021, ¹530 from 06.06.2022), which can to publish the results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences.
In reviewing manuscripts, the Editorial Board is guided by international standards, advice and resources on all aspects of publishing ethics in accordance with the requirements of the COPE, Committee On Publication Ethics.
The academic journal covers the following topical issues:
- hygiene of planning and building of settlements;
- ambient air hygiene;
- hygiene of water and water reservoirs protection;
- hygiene of soil and solid waste;
- hygiene of carcinogenic environmental factors;
- hygiene of chemical factors;
- hygiene of physical factors;
- radiation hygiene;
- hygiene of nutrition;
- hygiene of children, adolescents and young people;
- environment and public health;
- ecological-hygienic, information-technological and other issues.
Articles with the following required elements are accepted for publication:
- UDC;
- annotation (in Ukrainian and English), each with a volume of at least 1800 characters;
- relevance of the problem in general and its connection with scientific or practical tasks (introduction);
- the purpose of the article;
- object and methods of research;
- research results and their discussion;
- conclusions;
- list of references (DSTU 8302:2015);
- references (Vancouver Style);
- keywords.
The text of the article is at least 5 pages (in Ukrainian or English). Article margins: left, right, top, bottom - 2 cm. Times New Roman font, size - 12 with one line spacing. Figures, tables, formulas should be included in the text of the file and placed in A4 book format. Units of physical and chemical quantities are given in the SI system. References in the text are given in square brackets. After the main text of the article and conclusions, a list of used sources and References (Vancouver Style) is provided in the order of references in the text or in alphabetical order of the names of the first authors. Bibliographic description of sources is compiled in accordance with current standards. We recommend providing ORCID authors.
Manuscripts of articles should be sent to the e-mail address
The cost of publishing 1 article is 450.00 UAH..
Example of article design:
Surname A.G,...
Name of institution, Kyiv, Ukraine
Surname A.G., ORCID:
Resume in Ukrainian (about 1800 characters)
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Abstract in English (about 1800 characters)THE TITLE OF ARTICLE
Prizvyshche A.G., …….
Name of the institution, Kyiv, Ukraine
Materials and methods.
Article structure:
Relevance or introduction.
The goal of the work.
Object and methods of research.
Research results and their discussion.Conclusions
Contributions of authors:
Surname_1 O.I. -…;
Surname_2 À.À. -…;
Surname_3 T.P. -….
Sources of research funding.
Conflict of interest information.LITERATURE
REFERENCES (Vancouver Style)